St Mary’s church is believed to be of 15th century date, with an earlier west tower and a south aisle and porch of c.1516. The windows are mostly 15th century. There is a Norman font.
Most of the graffiti is on the limestone piers, and includes a charming simple drawing of a three-masted ship, with possible feint sails.
Other marks on the piers include a rather irregular circle, where it can be seen that the tool used has slipped. And a series of lines, which, like the circle, are usually considered to be apotropaic or protective. There are also sets of initials, one of which is associated with an anchor.
On one pier is a figure, which seems to be partly scribed and partly in pencil, with a tall hat of a type seen in the 19th century.
There is a great deal of graffiti on the back and side of the organ, mostly names/initials and dates, some from the early 20th century.